
Form ADV Part 2A
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Form ADV Part 2B
Timothy R. Guthrie
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Form ADV Part 2B
Robert W. Stone
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Form ADV Part 2B
Gregory M. Spickard
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Form ADV Part 2B
Jessica A. R. Tucker, MBA
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Form ADV Part 2B
Kevin Mullendore
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Performance Reporting Disclosures:

This consolidated report of accounts is provided to guide your understanding of how accounts are managed. The statements and investment summaries provided by the investment custodian ("Custodian Reports") represent the official record of accounts.

Rates of return (ROR) shown are calculated using a time-weighted method called the Modified Dietz, which is a measure of the historical performance of an investment portfolio in the presence of external flows, which are movements of value such as transfers of cash, securities or other instruments in or out of the account that are not income from the investments in the portfolio, such as interest, coupons or dividends. For a period longer than one month, the ROR of each month is calculated independently, then the monthly rates of return are linked geometrically (and then annualized if the period is longer than twelve months). When reporting performance for a group of holdings or accounts, the holdings and accounts are consolidated for the purpose of the calculation. Past performance and returns are not indicative of future results. Performance calculations are by nDex Systems using accepted industry processes (GIPS methodologies), but are not audited by an outside party and the investment advisory firm is not certified as GIPS compliant. Our performance report results are net of fees. Cash balances in accounts are included in the account assets for these reports. Data for calculations is based on data provided by the investment custodian. Performance of individual accounts may vary from the average result of accounts grouped based on allocation. For account groups, the result shown is an average which could be different from the median or midpoint result.

Unless otherwise noted, the rate of return indicated for each Index or Composite is the historical annual compounded Total return, which includes changes in price or unit value as well as reinvestment of all distributions but does not take into account sales, redemption, management, distribution, or optional charges or income taxes payable by any unit holder that would have reduced returns.

Book values may be a mix of market values of transferred-in positions (as at the transfer-in date) and book costs for subsequent purchases. Book value is the representative value of the price paid for all securities in the portfolio plus any current cash held. Over time, book value changes with portfolio activity including dividends and interest received, withdrawals, fees paid and purchases and sales of securities. Please direct any question of the book value of your holdings to your Investment Advisor.

Additional Disclosures:

Performance as shown for "All Accounts" includes accounts with varying allocations and objectives. Appropriate comparison indexes would include indexes with approximately 70% equity exposure, as Bullseye's average client is typically invested about 70% in equity securities. The average allocation will vary over time based on market conditions. The Morningstar Moderate Target Risk TR USD index is broadly allocated with a similar equity/fixed income allocation.

Aggressive accounts are for clients willing to take more risk for greater potential gains. Investment Advisor defines aggressive accounts as allocations up to a 100% equity allocation. Often, these clients are under 50 years old. Currently Aggressive accounts comprise about 10% of managed firm assets. The S&P 500 TR index is an appropriate index as it is 100% equities. The Morningstar Aggressive Target Risk TR USD is also an appropriate index with a similar allocation.

Growth accounts are for clients willing to take equity market risk for potential equity market gains. Investment Advisor defines growth accounts as up to a 90% equity allocation. Often these clients are under 60 years old. Currently Growth accounts represent about 23% of managed firm assets. The Morningstar Moderately Aggressive TD USD index is an appropriate comparison index based on substantial equity exposure, but less than 100% equities.

Balanced Growth accounts are for clients who desire less market risk than an all equity account and exposure to fixed income securities for risk reduction or current income. Often these clients are over 60 years of age. Balanced Growth accounts represent about 45% of firm managed assets. The Morningstar Moderate Target Risk TD USD index is an appropriate comparison index based on having a grossly similar equity/Fixed income allocation.